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Literature in the Park

“Leise Töne – Markante Stimmen – Spannende Geschichte(n)“

The readings under the theme “Quiet Tones – Striking Voices – Exciting Stories” with prominent voices from the world of film and television have been very popular with readers and audiences since this series was introduced and should not be missed at the next Potsdamer Schlössernacht:

The Chamber of Horrors 

Read by Katharina, Anna and Nellie Thalbach

The shadowy realm is the paradise of fantasists. Here they find an unlimited land where they can cultivate themselves at will,” Kant knew. And Lessing said: “In broad daylight, one hears ghosts mocked with delight, and in the dark of night, one hears them told with horror.” On the one hand there are otherworldly spirits and ghosts, on the other horror creatures that are anchored in the earthly world and whose horror does not originate from the supernatural. The infernal trio of the Thalbach clan – mother, daughter, granddaughter – is the ideal constellation for tracing every conceivable ghost and horror story: fearless and daring, they walk over dead bodies without batting an eyelid. With stories by Ambrose Bierce, Edgar Allan Poe, E.T.A. Hofmann, Bram Stoker, Kurt Tucholsky and others. Sanssouci Park provides the perfect setting in the shadow of the dark night and some of them may even hear a little owl calling.

Katharina, Anna und Nellie Thalbach